
Krauthammer: Obama Distorts America's Stance on Muslims

big steve1/30/2009 10:11:38 am PST

Back in the 1980’s I was working for a Big Oil research center in the US. This particular company had a large R&D facility in the Netherlands that had been there since the 1920’s. During WWII, the German’s had taken over management of this R&D center and it reverted back to the company after the war.

A chemist working next door to me was doing research on phosgine, a very toxic chemical. He went to our library and found a reference in the company files to an article out of the Netherlands research center so he ordered a copy of the paper. When it arrived, it was in german and dated 1943. We had a translation service so he sent it to be transalated. A few days later the translator called him and said he had started on the translation but after the first page wished to stop translating it. The chemist asked why, and the translator told him that the graph on the first page of the research paper was a plot of the lethal dosage rates of phosgine on “100 kg Plus Jewish Females”

Obviously the chemist quickly agreed to not have the rest translated and threw it away.