
Video: Attack of the Boxer Blimp

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/13/2010 5:38:20 pm PST

re: #323 Thanos

When people bold or type in all caps Ludwig I make a point not to read it, just as I walk away from people who shout in my face. If you want to be a rational person, act like one.

The here it is in not bold.

Let’s talk facts.

re: #281 Thanos

Yes, that would be as bad as calling all Republicans racists.

And fortunately for me I never have and never did.

However, and this is the issue with the wingnut brigade here, trying to draw false equivalences is dishonest and sick.

For over a year, this blog, you know the very one you post on, has been talking in detail about the descent of the right into the most odious and hateful sorts of crazy - including racism.

This is not some isolated case of a nut job who can be dismissed. This is GOP senators and Congress critters and national commentators doing it - all the way down through to the rank and file.

The GOP has become a racist party. Simply because not all members of the GOP have gone mad yet, does not make that fact go away, and simply because it hurts your feelings to state an obvious truth, does not make it go away.