
John Oliver's Powerful Piece on Ferguson and Police Militarization

A Mom Anon8/22/2014 10:39:30 am PDT

Sigh. Went to get the kid, got home to find giant puddle of dog pee right in front of the door. Stepped in it. Cleaned up dog pee. Also, I have inlaws coming for the weekend. And they’re bringing their dog, which is going to be an issue because my dog loses her shit for the first 24 hours around a new dog. And they know this and INSIST on bringing the dog anyway. Sigh again. Also, I just found out more inlaws will be here next weekend. When I was planning on having a cookout/gathering for all the people after the memorial service and stuff is done. Somehow we have to also find time for dealing with this whole hospice thing and the impending memorial before that. AND taking the kid back to school Sunday, AND then going back to get him next Friday because I forgot it’s a holiday weekend next weekend and school is closed.

Anyone who says a full time mom doesn’t do anything is getting a kick in the groinocological region. Also, too, I may just say fuck it and start drinking. I’d kill for some weed right now.