
That'll Do (Feat. Paddy Maloney and the Black Dyke Mills Band)

Belafon7/14/2019 10:24:30 am PDT

re: #324 Targetpractice

The problem (IMHO) is that generations of Americans have spent the years since Watergate having it beaten into their heads that the only answer to a misbehaving executive is elections. Between the shitshow that was Iran-Contra and the endless years of Whitewater culminating in the circus of “Monicagate,” the Repubs have succeeded in ripping the teeth from Congress’ one real method of holding a criminal president to account. The end result is endless “investigations” in Congress that result in meaningless reports that get much fanfare but go nowhere because the votes just aren’t there. If the only hope we have is that Trump is defeated next November, then we really have to wonder if the party can survive if he wins.

The problem, as I see it, is that the GOP realized that Nixon only failed because Republicans didn’t control the media. This is partially tied to the fact that Jim Crow lasted for so long because conservatives controlled the press, but ended because they failed to take into account television.

Considering how infrequently impeachment was used, even in cases where it should have been (Teapot Dome, Wilson’s executive orders banning minorities, Jackson’s disregard of the Supreme Court), it has only been a tool when the opposition has enough power to wield it. And what I mean by wielding it is that it would lead to conviction and removal. And we are most definitely not in that era.
