Comment is in Charge of Bloggers at CPAC

Gus2/01/2010 6:58:55 pm PST

Some irony here. This is from the American Conservative Union who are the people behind CPAC:

Yet like the proverbial cloud with a silver lining, the Goldwater debacle cleared the way for the resurrection rather than the interment of the conservative movement. On November 7, 1964, just five days after the election, several of conservatism’s leading luminaries gathered to pick up the pieces and assess the movement’s future. They were determined not merely to paper over the damage, but to craft and forge a new vehicle through which the ideas and ideals articulated in the 1964 campaign could be advanced in the political arena without apology or retreat. Most thought that existing groups were limited in their appeal (such as Young Americans for Freedom) or too tarnished or discredited by controversy (such as the John Birch Society). In more immediate terms, they believed that an effective counterweight was needed to the liberal Americans for Democratic Action, which they asserted in a subsequent statement “had been decisive in establishing a climate of opinion highly favorable to liberal legislation and liberal political candidates” in 1964.

“Too tarnished or discredited by controversy — such as the John Birch Society.” This from the ACU. And today the JBS is a sponsor at CPAC.