
Onion: Homeland Security Warns of Spiraling Fear

BongCrodny7/14/2011 6:29:01 am PDT

re: #319 thedopefishlives

HR drones are a notoriously difficult lot to work with. They combine the worst aspects of grammar Nazis and forum trolls. It takes a certain mindset to thrive in a typical corporate HR department, and I can’t even begin to comprehend it.

I was laid off from a job about six or seven years ago where they actually brought the “Bad News Guy” from Philly to D.C. to deliver the bad news in person.

It was on a Friday, and they waited until after 4:00 to call me in to deliver the bad news.

At some point in the exit interview I had a flash of realization that BNG was actually enjoying it; I swear I could see a twinkle in his eye when he told me about losing my health insurance.

I’ve met a few HR professionals in my day that were pretty cool, but those were usually at smaller companies. My rule of thumb is that the bigger the HR department, the bigger the asshole who runs it.