
Video: George Zimmerman's Father: 'So Much Hate Coming From the President'

Gepetto3/29/2012 9:08:24 am PDT

re: #315 Obdicut

Do you see any difference between saying “That guy doesn’t have a scalp wound, at least not one that’s bandaged”, and “That woman’s neurological functions are intact”?

sure. but, to be accurate,”That guy doesn’t have a scalp wound, at least not one that’s bandaged” is a great deal more precise than many of the comments floating around about this video. He doesn’t look all that beat up to me either, but I have seen boxers able to give an interview after a fight who had to be hospitalized a day later from trauma. The initial police report mentions GZ had been treated at the scene.

There’s a whole lot in this story to be perplexed about. the lack of any kind of staining on his clothes bothers me, too. I’m hoping for a clearer picture from all the available reports and interviews once they are released.