
Prince Dead at 57

Scottish Dragon4/21/2016 4:40:11 pm PDT

Lesbian woman in a women’s restroom gets ejected by the police for looking too butch…and it is all on video.

Rod Dreher claps faps enthusiastically:

Now, this put-upon lesbian sounds like a male. She’s dressed like a male. She moves like a male. It is more than reasonable for the police to assume upon looking at her and listening to her that she’s a male. That’s why they asked her for ID. If you were one of those police officers, you would have done the same thing — and when the alleged lesbian got mouthy and refused to produce an ID, you would have removed her from the public toilet. Otherwise, you might have let a man stay in the women’s bathroom — a public toilet — making women who didn’t know this person was a lesbian very uncomfortable, and even make them feel unsafe.

Because in authoritarian Dreherland, faggots, dykes and trannies should never exist in the first place, and they certainly shouldn’t be in public