
Atlas Shrugs' Pamela Geller Suddenly Outraged About Flogging

boocat1/26/2009 12:33:43 pm PST

I am more concerned with the Islamists destroying western civilization than I am various bloggers’ occasional stupid statements. When you speak constantly, something dumb is bound to come out from time to time simply because people are human and become tired and get distracted.

We can’t fight Islamist madness with harsh language. The funny thing is, we aren’t even allowed to use harsh language! We are supposed to self-censor, lest we be perceived as somehow degenerate (and therefore an unworthy person incapable of producing any valid ideas.) The truth is that many of us believe that we are losing our culture (to the illogic that anything western is white imperialist, racist, colonialist, therefore evil and ultimately deserving of being swept away.)

People like me are terribly frightened because we see the west being denigrated and slowly destroyed.

I don’t know how to fight an underground army of hostile agents without even being able to describe this fear or discuss why we feel it.
We are not allowed to critically discuss the culture of Islam or the content of the Koran.

The Islamists, on the other hand, are allowed to call us every sort of disgusting, bestial name. They regularly threaten our very lives and existence.

They have freedom of speech but we do not, apparently.