
Tech Note: Linkage Mutating into Diaries

Dark_Falcon5/08/2010 6:53:23 pm PDT

re: #325 swamprat

Gold will stop rising when things settle. And then will come the weeping and gnashing of teeth as people realize that nothing rises forever. The fun thing to do is to calculate the “gold crazy index”;
1.Figure out the normal percentage difference between gold and silver.
(Where silver is, indicates a true(-er) value. It is hard to figure because gold will tend to drag silver up with it, but the silver will not have the same degree of inflated fear-induced, excessive, over-value.
2. From the value of silver, extrapolate the what the value of gold would be if it was not being over-bought by fear-mongering exploiters and crazed survivalists.
3. The difference, expressed in percent, is the “gold crazy index”.

If you want to be a saner survivalist, invest in bulk silver coins, or better yet, pre-aluminum alloy true copper pennies.

Gold is going to tank bigger that California real estate.

Watching Glenn Beck’s freakout if that happens would be another fun things: