
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

chadu3/02/2014 8:44:04 am PST

re: #280 b_sharp

Deepak Chopra style typical Oprah woo.

That anybody believes this shit, no matter how desperate they are to feel ‘good’, is well beyond my understanding. Ignorance of reality I guess.

Personally, I believe there is a certain amount of utility to the underlying perspective, though I think they’re backing into that position, and therefore looking at the wrong damn things (results, methods, reasons).

My quickest take on that underlying perspective: try to look for the good in shitty situations; sometimes you’ll find some.

Sometimes, that pile of manure does have a pony in it, It might be a My Little Pony, but hey! — free, tiny, plastic, shit-covered pony! SCORE!!!
