
On Meet the Press, Trump Says He Understands Why a Conservative Would Attack Planned Parenthood

Blizard11/29/2015 4:12:21 pm PST

I wish I could boast more about ColoRADo in general, but with the PP shooting, the Aurora theater shooting, Columbine, the Chucky Cheese shooting… it’s just hard to comprehend this is MY state over the years.

I actually worked at the restaurant that replaced the Chucky Cheese after the shooting in the 90’s. It was surreal to say the least. I then transferred to LIttleton to manage one of their restaurants there. Most of my employees were Columbine HS students. Suffice it to say, we closed for a few days after the HS shootings as it was just down the street. This all just hits too close to home even looking back over the years.