
Brand New From Seth Meyers: Rod Rosenstein Chaos; Trump Attacks Kavanaugh's Accuser

lawhawk9/25/2018 8:13:47 am PDT

re: #326 sagehen

Expanding the House. It used to grow every decade or two, but when when we capped it at 435 the population of the country was 120 million. Less than 1/3 what it is now.

Setting the Supreme Court at one seat per appellate district.

If you want to talk about judiciary reform, we can discuss:

1) adding several new circuits to address population growth since last reorganization.

California and Texas get own circuits. 9th gets split 3 ways; WA, AK, HI becomes one, CA, 2d, and balance becomes 3d. TX splits out of its circuit to form its own.

This means new judges at the federal appellate level too.

2) Expanding the Supreme Court to deal with the GOP ratfuckery in denying Garland a seat. GOP will caterwaul about how Democrats are trying to pack the courts, but this is the GOP’s own doing as they literally denied Democrats ability to seat justices on the federal bench so they could maximize right wingers getting added to the bench instead.

3) Special Counsel law is reaffirmed and with special protections preventing a president from firing them. Additional felony crimes added for attacking special counsel investigation, including via any forum or occasion (the Trump rule).

As for expanding Congress, I think we should look at adjusting the size so that House seats are proportional so that a resident has equivalent electors nationwide.

Wyoming has 1 elector per 189,000 people living there. California has one elector for every 678,000 people. That includes both Senators and Reps. Solution would be to triple the representatives in Congress for California and equalize the per capita electors so that they roughly fall to 1 per 200,000. This would effectively grow the House by several hundred positions, and could be done in the next decennial.

At same time, I’d suggest Puerto Rico, Guam, US VI, and Marshalls each get statehood.