
Obama at Notre Dame

Walter L. Newton5/17/2009 12:31:40 pm PDT

re: #313

Of course I didn’t catch it, Walter, I’m not nearly as smart or nuanced as you are.

My ire over this has nothing to do with lack of respect for the office of the President. He was invited; he should not have been disinvited, nor should he be shouted down by the crowd. He’s there, he should be able to speak.

My ire is with the ND decision in the first place. It shows, to me, the same sort of lack of faithfulness to Catholic ideals that have resulted in Catholic legislators being able to go about supporting abortion with no response from the Church at all, and that have resulted in the Church’s failings to properly deal with things such as priests assaults on our youth.

Catholic ideals has (at least since Vatican II) been to foster open dialog on many if not all subjects. That’s progress. I like progress.