
And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

darthstar6/01/2016 9:48:57 am PDT

re: #334 Jenner7

Then you haven’t been paying attention to her campaign.

I’m getting my information the way most Americans are - via the media…social media, network TV, and cable news. This is what’s getting put out there. Sure, she goes into detail on the stump, but guess which part of the stump speeches makes it to Americans’ ears? Her ability to recite from memory every one of Trump’s insults to minorities and people of color, or her comments on his lack of preparedness, or how dangerous she says he is…

Maybe she doesn’t have a choice in this election. Maybe going after Trump is the only way she’ll get fair attention from the media. The rules have changed with Trump. Even the talking heads on TV are saying you can’t beat him with a traditional campaign of ideas. Such is our democracy.

I don’t like it. And I’m going to keep bitching about it. And yes, she’s better than Trump. That shouldn’t be something we actually have to say out loud.