
About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism

Honorary Yooper4/14/2009 12:37:03 pm PDT

re: #263 Bloodnok

I thought it would take a year or two. Yet here we are already.

There were those who were just lying in wait for this kind of moment. The loons on both side have always been there, always waiting for their chance to make some noise.

Anyway, it’s high time the notions of “right” and “left” were dumped. They’ve never really been accurate to describing politics. Many of these Stromfronters, Ron Paulians, and others are best termed as collectivists rather than the individualists they masquerade as. They, like Pamela, GoV, VB, have little interest in individual rights, and are always willing, as are their counterparts on the so-called “left” (MoveOn, World Can’t Wait) to hijack any event or movement if it furthers their agenda.

The big problem right now is, the loons, the fascists and the communists, are in control right now. This leaves us, the individualists, out of the equation. This is not a good thing, and it cannot end well.