
Bad Craziness Watch: Right Wing Reaction to the Tiller Murder

Land Shark6/01/2009 8:04:18 am PDT

I’m as opposed to abortion as anyone, but to resort to murder and terrorism is not just unacceptable, it’s downright evil. I understand the passion, but I can’t accept the action. Even against a doctor performing late term abortions, as despicable as that is. I was hoping we were past that, but it’s obvious there’s still loonies out there that think murder is a valid option to oppose abortion.

Fortunately most people opposed to abortion I know condemn this action without reservation as I do. But to see people who profess to be Christian celebrate this murder is disturbing. I’m reminded of that phrase, WWJD, What Would Jesus Do? Well, he wouldn’t murder somebody for starters. And He wouldn’t celebrate a murder, either!