
Surprise: "Rate Shock" Fear-Mongering Massively Overplayed

GlutenFreeJesus11/01/2013 10:37:17 am PDT

From my Facebook feed:

Well its official! After all the empty promises that we wouldnt be. My family is being kicked off of our health insurance plan.
under Nazzicare our rates will effectively triple for less coverage..

Im officially fucking done!
I refuse.
I will NOT be party to this shit. I will NOT be forced to buy this shit. I refuse to pay any fines or fees associated.
And fuck anyone who supports this fucking garbage.
This isnt some internet chain mail bullshit
This is me speaking out of anger and frustration. With all the bullshit going on in my life this is just the icing on the cake. Yeah Im pissed off fuck you if you dont like it !

A few of his “friends”, including myself have tried to reason with him and explain everything, with no results, of course.