
Rush Limbaugh: Health Care is a Leftist Plot to Kill Off the Elderly

Yeah Sure WhatEVs12/03/2009 5:45:51 pm PST

re: #10 Killgore Trout

After watch the Jesse Ventura clip last night I started thinking: Do these people actually believe these conspiracy theories? Palin admitted that the Death Panel claim wasn’t true but it was a way to rally the troops. Glenn Beck doesn’t really think we’re in a fascist country. Rush certainly doesn’t really think Obama is going to starting killing people old enough to remember how great America was. I don’t even think most of their audiences really believe this stuff.
It seems to serve some psychological purpose and fills some sort of need for them but nobody really believes this stuff. The few who are deranged enough to actually believe it are very dangerous but they are luckily very rare.

Whether they believe their own drivel or not, too many of their devout followers do believe it. That’s what makes the stuff they spew dangreous.

Do you think the tea party folks believe what they’re saying? How many Gkenn Beck signs do you see at their rallies or the 9/12 rallies? How many people think HCR really is an evil plot to kill grandma? People believe this crap, which, to me, is deeply depressing (when looking at the American populace).