
Does the Media Bear Any Blame for the Media's Coverage?

Gail Wynand Wannabe9/10/2010 7:27:21 pm PDT

re: #325 engineer dog

Well, that was then (pre-twentieth-century). This is now. You can Google plenty of atrocities in the current non-West. You wanna live in those places, and spout the Christian rhetoric about “…love thy neighbor…”, please, be my guest.

I will ask this way then. Say your kid was snatched and killed by some jamoke. You recovered your kids body and decided to bury it in a specific plot. The jamoke was later found and killed by the police. The jamoke’s family bought a plot right next to your kid’s plot, to bury the jamoke. Surely, that is okay by Constitutional standards. But is that ok? C’mon now…