
Gun Control: A Misguided Focus on Mental Illness

Eclectic Cyborg12/19/2012 7:41:44 am PST

I don’t like reposting comments, but this one got buried at the bottom of a thread and perfectly emphasizes how I feel about the situation:

One of my issues from the beginning is the whole “Obama/The Liberals are coming for your guns!!” craziness.

As far as I am aware only the most hardcore of left wingers would advocate for a complete ban on all guns period.

Notice what we are talking about here: Gun CONTROL. Not a Gun ban, but Gun CONTROL.

There’s an important difference that is so easily overlooked.

I don’t think I’ve seen one person suggest that citizens should no longer be allowed to target shoot. I don’t think I’ve seen one person suggest citizens should no longer be able to hunt. Rare is the person who thinks that no one should use guns for any reason whatsoever.

Being a Canadian now living in the American South, I have a somewhat unique view on gun ownership/regulation.

Prior to posting this I decided to do some research on gun laws in Canada and here’s what I discovered:

- Ownership of rifles and other standard hunting weapons is generally permitted (requirements vary by province).

- Handguns are generally prohibited but I’m reasonably certain you could still fire one at a range or other controlled facility if you wanted to.

- You can even own an assault rifle (like an AR15) so long as you have the necessary permit

Jokes are often made about Canadians being “unarmed” but the reality is different. We do have guns, we just handle them differently.

And the stupidest thing of all, in my opinion, is that the second amendment itself contains the language “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state…”

You know what that tells me? It tells me the Founders had something particular in mind when they crafted this amendment. It doesn’t read “The right to self defense being inalienable, the rights of all citizens to stockpile as many weapons as they want shall not be infringed.”

Also, well regulated would seem to suggest that even the Founders knew full well guns were dangerous and must be treated accordingly. There was a great post a couple of days ago about the U.S. military “regulates” its firearms.

So what’s the bottom line to all of this? Well, it’s pretty simple actually:

HARDLY ANYONE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY…we just want sensible rules and regulations to go along with having them. Is this really an insane idea?

As a gun owner myself, I think not.