
Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Cog1/12/2011 1:03:11 pm PST
You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting bullshit to excuse the right, but I know you aren’t.

Actually, quite the opposite. I am not trying to be an ahole, not trying to distort or be selective. Your comments, Kos’ comments, Olberman’s comments, Krugman’s comments, made liberals look bad. Just as some of the invective and violent rhethoric on the right makes conservatives look bad. If you are honest with yourself, both are wrong.

None of us can be certain, but there is the real possibility this tragedy had nothing to do with this at all. otoc or tnguitarist asking me for specifics about his beliefs is futile. As more comes out, it is looking more like he had a serious and worsening mental health condition. The debate should be about health care and mental health policies more than Palin and the tea party.

Why isn’t it? Oh that is right, a bunch of aholes blamed explicitly or implicitly Palin and the tea party for contributing to the shootings.