
Sunday Night Silly Video: Willy Wonka Remix

lawhawk3/12/2012 7:50:36 am PDT

*facepalm* CNN leads with an op-ed from Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and others calling to silence Rush Limbaugh over his misoygnistic comments (among others). A counter opinion says that he has a First Amendment right to be heard.

So much stupid packed into so little space. Both op-eds appear to be about talking and showing just how stupid they are.

Again - this isn’t about the 1st Amendment. Government isn’t involved in this. Rush isn’t being silenced by the government. They (via the FCC - a governmental entity) haven’t called for his suspension, removal, etc. It’s private citizens who are demanding he be silenced. Not a 1st Amendment issue.

Free speech isn’t necessarily a 1st Amendment issue - only when the government is restricting it and that’s not the case here.

Rush has lost nearly 100 sponsors if the reports are accurate. That’s because companies don’t want to associate with his brand. That’s diminished his brand and will affect him down the line in the pocketbook. He’s still free to spout off and remove all doubt what kind of a xenophobic and racist and misogynistic fool he is - and everyone else can pile on and ridicule him as just that.