
SPLC: Family Research Council License-to-Kill Claim 'Outrageous'

simoom8/16/2012 8:28:22 pm PDT

All things old are new again. Fox is once again trying to exploit Pres. Obama’s Kenyan half-brother George, just like they did last election cycle, this time with the help of Dinesh D’Souza:

George’s brother is a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, George’s brother has framed his re-election campaign around the “fair share” theme that we owe obligations to those who are less fortunate.

One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother.

So much for spreading the wealth around.

So what’s the real story here? Where’s George Obama’s “fair share”? George’s tragic situation exposes President Obama as a hypocrite. Here is a man who demands that others pay higher taxes to help the poor—even poor people who are not related to them—while Obama himself refuses to help a close relative like George.

Yet I believe there is a deeper explanation that goes beyond hypocrisy for why Obama wants nothing to do with George. After all, it would cost Obama so little to raise George out of poverty, and yet he won’t do it. This isn’t mere negligence; it suggests an active animus. The reason for that animus emerges in George’s book and also in my interview with George in the film 2016. In that interview, George rejects the anti-colonial philosophy that was espoused by Barack Obama Sr.

One must never forget that “Kenyan Anti-Colonialist Worldview” — it explains everything! ///.

From the record of their lives and writings, it’s clear that Barack Obama Sr. and Barack Obama Jr. both share the anti-colonial view that blames Western colonial exploitation for the poverty and suffering of the Third World. Yet George doesn’t buy it.

Apparently, according to D’Souza, Pres. Obama has also failed to straighten estranged-father’s sister’s teeth:

Obama also has an aunt named Hawa Auma, his father’s sister, who ekes out a living selling coal on the streets of a small village in Kenya. She says she would like to have her teeth fixed, but she cannot afford it. Obama hasn’t offered to help her either.

I wonder how long before they start making hay with his other numerous half-siblings through-out the world, like his half-brother in China. It’s also been a while since they’ve been ranting about his U.S. half-uncle and half-aunt, so I expect they’ll be getting to that again too.

No link, sorry — not helping Fox promote the slimy D’Souza and his ridiculous new movie.