
Seth Meyers via Webcam: Trump Wants to Reopen America as Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerates

Targetpractice3/26/2020 9:17:25 am PDT

And the drawer of the short straw in the “Who will fuck up this relief bill vote?” is:

“If it were just about helping people to get more unemployment (benefits) to get through this calamity that, frankly, the governors have wrought on the people, then I could be for it,” Massie said during a radio interview Thursday morning. “But this is $2 trillion; divide $2 trillion by 350 million people — it’s almost $6,000 for every man, woman and child. I’m talking about spending. This won’t go to the men, women and children. So if you have a family of five, this spending bill represents $30,000 of additional U.S. national debt because there is no plan to pay for it.”

We’re reversing the tax cuts you voted for, Tommy. The ones you had no problem with when you voted for them not 3 years ago. Fuck you very much.