
Texas GOP Rep. Gohmert on Alex Jones Radio Show

WindHorse7/28/2009 11:00:57 pm PDT

re: #328 Conservative Moonbat

I just had this argument today with my moonbat sister. She claims that all doctors are motivated by profit.

I reminded her that our father (who was an MD) had told me that there are two kinds of doctors. The first is motivated by money. The second is motivated by what they are doing in helping people.

I have had tons of things wrong with me health-wise. My manila folder is nearly three inches thick. And, my dad was right.

I think I can probably name four doctors I have dealt with over the years (out of dozens) who were blatantly making decisions on the basis of greed.

I told my sister that I was willing to extend to doctors the same respect (regarding statistics and their human nature) that I would anyone else. I also told her that people are, generally, honest and good - and that this also applied to doctors.

She was hesitant, but then decided to agree with me.

I would stake my life on the fact that MOST doctors are doing what they do NOT for the money, but rather because they are helping people.

I say… let the free market do it’s thing. Let the doctors do what they think is best. Trust them.

Get the idiots out of the way… (really, are we ready to put our faith in some political hack who is only qualified to bag groceries at Jewel Tea make decisions about our health??)