
Another Day at the Zoo

Mich-again8/11/2009 8:17:35 pm PDT

I’m sure some people came to the town hall meetings with the intent of asking a serious question.

But I’m guessing most the people who showed up just wanted to show their disgust with Congresscritter Fillintheblank and they hooted and hollered from the peanut gallery.

And then there are a minority of people who are bold/dumb enough to think the best thing to do is get in front of the mic and rant and rave and invoke the wrath of God upon said Congresscritter. Jeesh.

But, there are a select few genuinely dangerous lunatics who think the best thing to do is brandish a weapon, hold up a poster board with a threat on it, and hang out on Church property along a Presidential motorcade route.

That guy should have been approached, apprehended, and then whisked away. Sorry but its not your constitutional right to pretend to be Lee Harvey Asshole.