
Climate Change Denial Front Group Heartland Institute Sends Emails to Bloggers Threatening Legal Action

Gus2/20/2012 8:08:55 am PST

re: #333 Lidane

We have a winner!

That’s exactly it. According to these people, women are supposed to remain ignorant of their bodies (“abstinence only” sex ed), consent once means consent for a lifetime (Dana Loesch’s idiocy), they’re not allowed to decide on their own medical care and shouldn’t be allowed the means to prevent pregnancy (both Rick Santorum and the all-male panel on birth control), and if they DO end up pregnant, well, they should be slut-shamed and violated to “inform” them of their pregnancy via an invasive ultrasound, because women are too stupid to know what’s going on with their bodies.

And I’m supposed to believe that the Republican party is pro-woman? Pfft.

A lot of this also plays into the reason they oppose gay marriage.