
Video: Cassini Mission

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines6/04/2011 9:20:49 pm PDT

re: #62 Charles

One of the right wing’s staging grounds for conspiracy theories, dirty tricks, and talking points:


Yikes! Is the right going anti-nuclear? Take a look at this:

The Federal Aviation Administration is coordinating efforts with the Japanese government to minimize the exposure of travelers coming to the United States.

However, with the current rate of radiation being released and the possibility of more reactor meltdowns the United States may need to set up mass quarantine facilities at local airports.

It is important to now consider the worst case scenario where thousands of Japanese possibly tens of thousands may end up evacuating to American cities.

Quarantine facilities? And not just at LAX and Seatac, but “local” airports. How about FEMA camps for those infested with Japanese nuke cooties? This is pure insane fear-mongering, the kind of thing the far, far left used to own. Damn hippies.