
And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/01/2016 9:54:29 am PDT

re: #341 Bass Reeves

It might appear that “she’s got this,” but I’ll crawl over four hundred miles of broken glass and lava to get to a polling place to vote for Mrs. Clinton over the fascist. (I am under no illusions that the candidate I supported in the primaries, Mr. Sanders, is going to win at this point.)

It is not a question of “voting for the lesser of two evils.” There is only evil, and not evil.

Mrs. Clinton is not evil.

As far as the ridiculous notion of in-person voter fraud, it is noteworthy that uber-red state Nebraska makes voting just as easy as in Oregon (by mail). It is almost as if the GOP wants to make voting difficult in battleground states to improve their chances.