
Video: The Cat Piano

CuriousLurker4/26/2010 5:02:14 pm PDT

re: #338 marjoriemoon

I that Moderate Republicans still exist and hopefully when election time rolls around shortly, they’ll come out and vote out the far right folks who want to move the country in unhealthy directions. It’s those far right folks, I guess they’re social conservatives? who frighten me. Rubio and Hayworth are two running for senate seats.

I know moderate (read calm, rational) Republicans are out there, but their voices aren’t getting heard, or maybe they’re just getting shouted down. For all our sakes I truly hope they can figure out a way to regain control of the GOP before the next election rolls around. Either that or I hope they all go independent.

Remember that from early on, as soon as Obama became a prospect, he was touted as a FARRR left liberal which was a load of horse puckey from the get go. But that and other things have stuck to him.

I agree. Obama never struck me as being way far left.