
Rachel Maddow: How the Right Explains Egypt

Orange Impostor2/12/2011 1:30:03 pm PST

re: #331 Killgore Trout

An interesting tidbit from CPAC…
Father and son Ron and Rand Paul wow the crowd at CPAC.

Here are the villains of the film
The “Supreme Master Leader” is symbolic of International Jewish banking cartels. This movie was shown at Cpac. Lovely.

Read the description under John F Kennedy:

Perhaps more than any other President, JFK captures our attention. His storied life and famous exploits are the stuff of books and movies. His assassination stopped the nation. Everyone who witnessed it knows where they were when it happened. And while we’ve all been told about Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, most Americans polled believe there is something more to his murder, but no one really knows what. Ironically, most Americans don’t really care. Or to be fair, don’t have enough information to understand why JFK had to die.

Simply stated, John Kennedy opposed the establishment. Kennedy’s economic policies were publicly bashed by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller and his brother and CFR member David Rockefeller. Kennedy’s own Secretary of Treasury, Douglas Dillon was part of Rockefeller’s CFR and joined forces with the crew who were determined to control America for their own interests. One of those interests we know now was the Vietnam War. Another CFR interest was continued Federal Reserve System domination. Kennedy hit them in other areas involving tax reform and eliminating foreign tax havens, directly spitting in the face of the elite bankers.

Kennedy, for all his right and wrong, determined to fight against the machine. People can talk all they want today about doing something and talk is cheap. Everyone runs their mouth on the Hill today. But Kennedy did something that no one had dared to do before or after. He started printing real money again. Red ink issued dollars printed directly from the United States Treasury. These notes did not go through the Federal Reserve System. If this treasury money were allowed to continue, the entire Rockefeller-Morgan-Rothschild scam would be revealed.

They wouldn’t let that happen.

That’s right. Jewish bankers were responsible for JFK’s assassination.