
The Republicans Who Caused the Government Shutdown

Birth Control Works10/16/2013 1:21:08 pm PDT

re: #342 Shiplord Kirel

Actually I know quite a few RWNJs who consider FDR not only a failure but a disaster, for instituting the “welfare state” and, of course, for allowing Churchill and the usual suspects (Reds and the Juice) to trick us into supporting their effort to thwart Germany’s rightful attempt to redress the injustices of the Treaty of Versailles.
One prominent GOPer here in Lubbock, a member of last year’s platform committee, goes further and calls Theodore Roosevelt “the first socialist president.” This is because TR was the first “to interfere with business” with his trust busting and his support for the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Keep in mind that in 80% Republican Lubbock “batshit crazy Tea Party” is the default, establishment position while “extreme rightwing” is, well, my God.

Yeah, it goes back to Teddy. I think they’d prefer a Feudal Land system.