
Rob Reiner Shocks All-White Morning Joe Panel by Suggesting Racists Like Donald Trump

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)5/05/2016 4:55:43 pm PDT

Dunno if this has been shared here or not, but Glenn Beck is GOING OFF on what Donald Trump as nominee means:

“You will never have another GOP person elected to high office. Ever. Again.”

Glenn Beck: Says ‘You Will Never Have Another Republican President Ever Again’

Just posted a page with this, and an uncharacteristically subdued Rachel Maddow in it.

Still kind of in shock myself. I really, really thought that somehow, the party that my dad and his friends (right-wing military assholes, but still decent guys who loved America) belonged to back in the 70s … that that party would find a way not to be taken over by this complete fascist idiot.