
Europe Considers Welcoming 60 Gitmo Detainees

OldLineTexan1/25/2009 11:38:09 am PST

re: #330 astronmr20

I’m going into computer snob mode for a second so flame me if you wish,

But I left all that crap behind when I switched to macs.

I had a Mac in 1984, so I really don’t give a fig one way or the other. Blew a power supply in under 30 days, so so much for MY first impression of superior Apple quality.

I paid the overprice for a PowerMac when they came out and I realized that it’s all Chinese products.

Then I went to work for a major PC manufacturer. I don’t believe in biting the hand that feeds me, and I have no problems buying my products, LOL.

If Apple ever develops an installed base of sufficient size, some hacker somewhere will give them cooties. No OS is perfect.

I will give them (Apple) props for having the ‘nads to abandon backwards-compatibility after System 6.0 and gig all their hardware owners. Many Windows problems are based on having to be somewhat compatible with ancient DOS ideas.