
Activist Son of Stormfront Founder Renounces White Nationalism

danhenry17/18/2013 10:40:25 am PDT

This announcement by Eric is really terrific news. Maybe a bit of hope in a world that seems spiraling to who knows where?
Thank you Eric.
It would be great if some how, some way, that he can touch his father to further help the cause.
Now about George Zimmerman. I really think that he is going to be charged with very serious Federal Crimes in the coming months. He will be found guilty, and will rue the not guilty verdict at the state level. That whole circus would have made me wonder why the hell I ever moved to this damned state.
I don’t live there but would have thought that way.
Just had a thought, they become more rare as I age!
The best thing that George Zimmerman could do right now, is to admit to many bad things..get out from beneath his fathers’ (De Judge) shadow and grow up.
Hell, he didn’t even allow his victim to reach the age where he could have a few felonious assaults under his belt. He too, may have an awakening like Eric. Maybe he will apologize to Trayvon’s loved ones, and ask for forgiveness.
Florida is going to start changing for the better, if it hasn’t already. Texas is not too far from a turning,
Arizona too. Here in Virginia..well I hope we have Cuccinelli (like Eddie cucha catcha camma toe-sa nara toe-sa nocka samma camma wacky Brown drown) politically anyway, in his own foul way.
Which reminds me that I’m 8 days post op from an memorable Right Hemicolectomy, gotta go lie down.