
Far Right "Anti-Jihad" Loon Walid Shoebat Smears Khizr Khan as "Muslim Brotherhood Plant"

Dave In Austin7/31/2016 9:15:15 pm PDT

re: #332 majii

For some reason, I get mail from the GOP and the RNC. I’ve never subscribed to either. All mail I receive is so filled with lies that as soon as I scan them, they go straight into the nearest trash can in my backyard. At one time, Ron Paul was sending mail, too. I think what happened was someone associated with these groups/individuals noticed how much I have donated to democrats and wanted me to donate to them. I never have, and I never will.

I have this thing in my mind… It’ll never happen but I can dream. I will continue to ask Mike Pence to walk away from this buffoonery, I tell him he is better than that and that thew Trumpstink will be on him for the rest of his life.

I know it will never happen but I can dream of the humiliation it would cause to the Yam.