
Pensacola Tea Party Coopted by Paulians

Walter L. Newton4/10/2009 7:27:28 pm PDT

re: #305 jcm

The larger looming issue is a bunch of Thugocracies are watching this very closely to get a measure of the man in the White House. So far the response appears weak, and the Thugs are taking notes.

They are not afraid of us. People like that have one very big advantage over us, always have. That’s a total disregard for human life. When a human being is valued as no better than another token, a check, a means of commerce, whether it be slavery or simply a walking bomb, they hold the upper hand.

While the west doesn’t go to those extremes, in the past we have simply made the hard decisions, and that is, to kill the enemy, to hurt the enemy, to do permanent damage to the other side.

It’s a fact of existence, no, we can’t all get along, and there are times you have to hurt another human being.

We’ve gotten real close to loosing that knowledge, the ability to protect ourselves, the moral freedom to kill when necessary.