
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/27/2010 1:00:46 pm PDT

Repost because it fits here too.

I am very very glad that we do not have Palin or McCain in office. The question is if Obama is strong enough to actually take a firm command.

Some of my Christian friends here can help me with the proverb I am looking for. It fits all too well.

It goes something like “you shall know a tree by its fruit.”

I think it is from Matthew. Matthew was completely correct about this.

For those of you who doubt, who simply refuse to see the connections let’s look at the neo-nazis here, in this report, the subject of this thread - talking about preserving a white majority.

Let’s compare one more time to Hitler himself in 1927.

Don’t even call it Godwin. Whining about Godwin only applies if the comparison is invalid. If there is a valid comparison, like there is right here and right now, it just becomes a ritualized way of dismissing the facts.

Wake up folks.

Compare and contrast.

Adolf Hitler’s Speech at the
1927 Nuremberg Rally

62 million (German) people who seem to hold together are no longer a power factor in a world in which groups with 400 million are increasingly active, nations for which their population is their major tool of economic policy…

If numbers themselves are no longer a power factor, the second factor is territory. This, too, is no longer a power factor for us, even seeming laughable when one can fly across our German territory in a mere four hours. That is no longer an amount of territory that provides its own defense, as is the case with Russia. Its size alone is a means of security. If the first two sources of power, population and territory, are inadequate, there remains always the third, that which rests in the inner strength of a people. A nation can do astounding things when it carries this power in its own internal values. When, however, we examine the German people, we must to our horror see that this last power factor is no longer present.

These are, these really are nazis. They make no attempt to hide it and at least in AZ we have the GOP allied with them.

Across the nation the GOP, for whatever reason has a bank shot here and has managed to once again scuttle climate legislation - in order to what? Maintain the status quo? Allow their corporate sponsors to continue to abuse cheap labor? Keep their maid? Allow states rights whackos the state level liberty to enshrine Nazi ideals into law?

And in the mean time, climate, the single most pressing issue there is, without doubt is put on a back burner again.

The early Nazi party was weak and leaderless. There were many players but no clear alpha wolf. In the base though, the propaganda spread and as financial and media support came in for them, they grew in strength. The GOP are not nazis yet. They have not found the charismatic evil genius yet to pick this ripening fruit.

But, by the fruits, you shall know the tree.