
Overnight Open Thread

researchok11/24/2010 8:26:56 am PST

re: #339 LudwigVanQuixote

So in case any of you are wondering about that post, I encountered a searing essay written by a very Frum Jew about how all Jews if they believe in G-d need to vote for the GOP. His essay was full of references to the Ludwig van Mises Institute, and certain rabbiam that make Meir Kahane look like Jane Fonda. As far as I am concerned this was utter chillul Hashem. That means a desecration of G-d.

It is tragic that amongst the ultra black hats there is a subset that thinks this way - contrary to all Jewish law. Then Again there are plenty of other ohh so holy people from other religions who are a bit of an embarrassment. These ones are ours.

I took great offence at this and posted my essay about why Jews vote Republican (and most of us don’t) at that site. I responded to challenges in an utterly polite manner. These are Yeshiva kids - and a few of their rabbaim.

The immediate response of such people when you point out Torah verses that prove they are being hypocritical (to put it nicely) is to claim that their interlocutor is not Jewish and avoid any of the subsequent points. It turns out that many of the posters there are Yeshiva students who really didn’t know as much Torah as they thought. Unfortunately, this is a very, very right wing place and my answers to their challenges were all deleted.

Now I could bore you with why the rant of this poor person is so deluded. He is trying to shift a basic principle of Jewish law into a more obscure discussion. But the fact that they are dismissing Avot and the Rambam should tell you something. The fact that they are doing so by snarking over which choice of many accepted transliterations are used from a language that does not use English letters should tell you something else.

This discussion happened a little while ago. The stalkers found the original post and the incensed ravings of the original GOP poster and his friends, but none of my responses because they were deleted. That is one area where other views are particularly not tolerated. Unfortunately, these other views were straight from Torah. Anyway the stalkers have been crowing about this for the past few days because they think I will be insulted by being reminded that certain religious fanatics are hypocrites.

Religious observance is not a measure of intelligence.

If it were, Arab regimes which claim to be ‘Islamic’ would not be among the most backward and failed states in the world.

And that is not an opinion- the UN Report on Human Development noted education in the Arab world is at the bottom of the barrel, save for sub Saharan Africa.