
Live Video: Festival of the Wingnuts, Day 2

Birth Control Works3/15/2013 1:37:20 pm PDT

re: #346 HappyWarrior

And this is why I don’t buy that this is just generational. This guy isn’t much older than I am. The problem to be frank and blunt is conservatism in its current incarnation. It’s fucking conferences like CPAC in the first place that have panel discussions about whether or not Lincoln was bad or not, it’s the cosigning on Rush Limbaugh for years, etc.

Michelle Bachman said something similar, didn’t she.

If these cretins are bible literalists, they have to accept slavery as the natural order of things. Slavery is mentioned quite a few times, IIRC, in the blble. The idea of a Secular Liberty (on earth, not in heaven) is a rather new idea as politics is concerned.