
Sunday Night Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Los Angeles"

A Mom Anon7/27/2015 9:48:35 am PDT

Totally off every topic here, but since we’re all scattered to the 4 winds I thought I’d ask:

The Husband is looking at a job offer in either Indianapolis or Chicago. We currently live in metro Atlanta. I have wanted the hell out of here for years, and FINALLY The Husband gets it. It’s a metro area of 7-8 million people, it’s congested and well, its the freaking South. There’s a host of other reasons to go, but it’s just time, I’ve had it here, been here for half my life and I just want out. I simply don’t like it, the place especially, it’s too much house for us, and the place needs more work than we want to keep investing.

I’m from Ohio, he’s from Maryland, so we’re transplants, both moved here in the 80s when our auto jobs went away. I’m leaning more toward Indianapolis metro, but not sure which area would be better. I’m looking for semi rural, not too out in the boonies, but not in the city at ALL. Have no clue what area would be close enough to not be a hell commute, but not so close that we’re exactly where we are now, overcrowded suburbs.

Chicago? I wouldn’t mind it, but I kind of want out of a big ass city. I know nothing at all about the area, and am not sure what would be in our budget but again, not so far away from the city that my husband would be stuck driving forever in traffic hell.

Anyone familiar with either place? I know DF is from Chicago and lives there, but is anyone else able to give me some advice as well? Housing costs are obviously an issue too, they’re offering him around 70K. That’s all we know so far, he’s having lunch with the guy tomorrow. Any input would be awesome, thanks!