
IBEW Investigates Trump's Union Claims

ObserverArt8/28/2016 9:44:07 am PDT

re: #334 Alyosha

I think this decrying of the media’s supposed lack of coverage of the issues exposes our own myopia to a certain extent.
Namely that the stories which we consider to be newsworthy do not gain the traction we believe they deserve. Our response is then to dismiss journalism as dead.
That the media could do a better job, I agree; and it shouldn’t detract in any way from the good points made in this forum. But they do in a perverted sense still provide the service for which they have been charged. It’s the public that has failed.

Happy to be wrong.

I’m not sure I understand your point in total.

Are you basically saying the public has failed because they do not demand more of journalism?

And if that is your point, how do you explain the FOX model of journalism which I get the feeling is becoming more and more the model for much of our media.