
TN GOP Rep. Nicely: Einstein Would Be in Favor of Teaching Creationism

Killgore Trout4/15/2011 5:42:37 pm PDT

re: #329 JasonA

I think we can forget about Huntsman as a contender…

Daily Caller Exposes Jon Huntsman’s Handwritten Obama Love

I’m starting to wonder. With the rise of Trump the wingnuts aren’t terribly bothered that he endorsed Canadian style single payer universal healthcare, endorsed left candiates, etc.
I think what’s happening is the base is rudderless. They don;t believe in anything anymore. They are just hungry for a leader. They don;t care what the ideas are or what the agenda is. All they want is a leader and will latch on to whoever Fox News and the GOP establishment parade in front of them. Huntsman has as much chance as Palin or Mitt.