
The Texas Taliban

Cato the Elder3/03/2010 12:15:43 pm PST

re: #327 LudwigVanQuixote

Very philosophical and poetic.

Also not the context I was referring to. We are not talking about the ways that we deal with searching our souls or avoiding judgement of others.
We are talking about the truths of the physical world which are easily verified and which should in of themselves not be matters of emotion.

If you are in denial about a train rushing towards you when standing on tracks, that is will kill you.

If the truth of the physical world is that what we all do and how we all live is going to kill us or our children, can’t you understand how some people would be unable to face that fact and retreat into denial?

I’m just asking for you to apply your psychological acuity to the fact of denial and have a little sympathy for people who can’t face doomsday and their own potential role in it. Pity the poor naked apes.