
Video: Attack of the Boxer Blimp

Randall Gross3/13/2010 5:43:17 pm PST

re: #327 LudwigVanQuixote

A fact is a true statement about the real world. Like the fact that the GOP from the top down is riddled with and panders to racism and has for some time.

An organization that is riddled with and panders to racism is called racist. This fact is a quirk of the English language.

Ok you’ve taken your blows against them “racist republicans’ … now it’s my turn.

What about the party that you support, corrupt from top to bottom? I can post more articles about corrupt Democrat politicians in office every single day than you can about Racist Republicans who are in office every single day.
I don’t call all Democrats corrupt, although by your loosey goosey logic I certainly could.
You want have a match up here? Do you think the voters in a down economy are going to care about politicians who might be racist, are about politicians who are demonstrably corrupt?

You see me complaining and addressing the problems in my party, now WTF are you going to do about the problems in yours so they don’t lose next election? I really don’t want to see the R’s in control with the direction they are taking right now, so Ludwig tell me about what you are going to do about the criminals and the corrupt in the Dems?