
Religious Right Attacks Southern Poverty Law Center

lostlakehiker12/15/2010 2:36:30 pm PST

re: #333 ozbloke

Is it not possible for someone outside the Jewish faith to be education in Judaism, and therefore have no right to any view on it, or discussion about it?

Is that your contention?

It is possible. But how many people will devote the necessary time and immersion? It is possible, in the same sense that it is possible for a native German speaker to learn English and speak it fluently, without an accent, as an adult.

Damned few can bring it off, but a few can. Many more are the people who acquire a smattering of knowledge in some realm and promptly preen themselves on fluency.

I’ve read most of the Harry Kemmelman “Rabbi” series. It’s wonderfully educational. I’ve read many of LVQ’s posts. From all this learning of mine, I reckon I’m up to speed with the average Jewish pre-kindergartner in mastery of Judaic law and interpretation. I can get the really simple stuff right more often than not.

There is a lot to understand that cannot be got out of diligent memorization and reading. He who really seeks understanding can probably get there, if he has time and a good mind. A decade of immersion should suffice.

Absent such mastery, the best bet is to trust the mainstream top Jewish thinkers, past and present, on what Jewish law and faith say under suitable interpretation.