
Poll: Virginia GOP Dominated by Nirthers

lawhawk8/05/2009 1:00:06 pm PDT

re: #309 drcordell

I just have an interest in getting the psychotic theocrat base of the GOP out of power so that we can have some rational political discourse in this country. We are fighting two wars, have a shrinking economy, healthcare costs that are rising 15% a year and all I hear about are teabaggers and birth certificates.

Last time I checked, the GOP is out of power - and has been since 2008. In fact, the GOP lost the Congress in 2006. Since 2006, the economy has gone in a tailspin, having nothing to do with the spending on the wars. It has everything to do with government demand to expand homeownership to those who should never have been extended credit - and the ensuing correction of the real estate market that set off the credit crisis since no one could figure out the valuations of any paper derived from the bad real estate holdings.

Besides, health care costs have been rising for years - and have been rising beyond the rate of inflation regardless of who is in charge.