
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Morrissey

Summer Seale12/18/2009 11:32:12 pm PST

re: #346 acacia

I’m sorry, but this stance from Hot Air and the rest of the right-wing blogs that are promoting this is just insane.

The fact is: we don’t know what happened yet. The fact is that it may not have been deliberate at all. The mother may be completely innocent of any wrong doing right now. I’m not saying she necessarily is, but we just don’t know so we have to presume that she is.

And then, moving on from that, if she actually was found to have done this deliberately, I’ll bet you anything that she would be charged with murder on some level either way. To think that she wouldn’t be is insane. To assume by twisting the law into some sort of agenda-like conspiracy to make a point for anti-Abortion extremists is completely nuts.

And then to leave posts up threatening the mother with rape, mutilation, and death, is beyond the pale. It’s downright fucking wrong. Ok? It’s fucking lunatic beyond words.

The Right Wing should apologize - in public - for making a ton of assumptions before we know anything that happened for certain, before we know what is going to actually happen, and for flying off the handle and calling for all sorts of dangerously crazy and, frankly, illegal threats and actions.

Even were she guilty, it would be unacceptable. It’s just plain fucking wrong. Get it through your thick skulls: It’s not Christian, and it’s not fucking Right.