
Overnight Ocean

Guanxi8812/01/2009 8:33:50 am PST

re: #345 McSpiff

Really is a complex issue. When language becomes closely tied to tribe and region, in some ways you want someone as close as possible to the detainees. But then you end up with this situation. Not really sure what the right answer is.

Easy -for Arabic interpreters, ya go with Israelis, Druze or Bedouin wherever possible.

For Urdu, Farsi, Pashto, etc., ya find the minority group and ya recruit outta their ranks. Simplest and easiest way.

Example - Farsi - get yourself some Zoroastrians.
Urdu - recruit minority Hindu (there are some) from Pak.
Pashto, etc., might be harder to deal with, although I daresay our friends in the former Central Asian Republics of the USSR could lend a hand.